Designer Information Center | Monster House Plans
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Designers & Architects,

Thank you for visiting, offering a diverse collection of award-winning house plans by designers and architects throughout North America.

If you are an architect or designer who currently offers the sale of your stock house plans through print &/or internet marketing, contact us for information on our generous royalty split and the ease in which you may offer your plans through

If you are an architect or designer contemplating selling your designs, you owe it to yourself to explore the financial opportunity you have sitting in your drawing archives. The size of the plans makes absolutely no difference.

If you are interested in investigating the opportunity of including your plans in our on-line collection, please contact us for more details.

Need Some Quick Tips Or Advice?

We want to help you design the house of your dreams as best as we can. If you can't find the answers you're looking for here, get in touch with our licensed architect or a designer!